Brooklyn Dumpling Shop Goes Green for St. Patrick’s Day

PHILADELPHIA, PA – In a delicious twist on a classic Irish dish, Brooklyn Dumpling Shop has unveiled a special green dumpling for St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Available at all locations from March 15th to 17th, this limited-edition creation promises to satisfy both dumpling enthusiasts and those seeking a unique way to celebrate the holiday.

Brookly Dumpings St Patty

The Brooklyn Dumpling Shop is renowned for its innovative and flavorful dumpling concoctions. This St. Patrick’s Day, they’re taking their creativity to a whole new level with their corned beef and cabbage dumplings. While details about the exact ingredients remain under wraps, the concept itself is enough to tantalize taste buds. The vibrant green dough, most likely colored with natural ingredients like spinach or matcha, hints at a playful nod to the holiday’s festive spirit.

This special dumpling caters perfectly to the post-parade crowds. St. Patrick’s Day parades are a beloved tradition across the country and often leave participants famished. Brooklyn Dumpling Shop’s creation offers a convenient and delicious handheld meal, perfect for grabbing on the go or savoring at one of their locations.

The limited-edition nature of the corned beef and cabbage dumplings adds to their appeal. They present a unique opportunity to try something new and enjoy a flavor combination not readily available elsewhere. This exclusivity might also create a sense of urgency for dumpling aficionados, encouraging them to visit Brooklyn Dumpling Shop before supplies run out.

But the unique offerings don’t stop at the green dumplings. On Sunday, March 17th, Brooklyn Dumpling Shop is also featuring a special St. Patrick’s Day deal—four dumplings and a beer for just $10. This combo is a steal for those looking for a budget-friendly way to celebrate. Dumplings and beer are a classic combination, and with a selection of brews likely to include Irish favorites, the Shop ensures a truly festive dining experience.

Brooklyn Dumpling Shop’s St. Patrick’s Day promotion cleverly combines their signature dish with a celebratory spirit. With eye-catching green dumplings, a flavorsome corned beef and cabbage filling, and a special deal on a classic pairing, they’ve created a compelling reason to visit their shops this weekend. Whether you’re a longtime fan or simply curious about this unique dumpling creation, Brooklyn Dumpling Shop promises a delicious and memorable St. Patrick’s Day experience.

While the corned beef and cabbage dumplings are undoubtedly the star of the show this St. Patrick’s Day, Brooklyn Dumpling Shop offers a wide variety of other delectable options year-round. Their menu boasts an impressive selection of savory and sweet dumplings featuring unique and unexpected flavor combinations. From their classic pork and vegetables to their more adventurous options like kimchi and short rib or mango and sticky rice, there’s something to please every palate.

The Shop’s commitment to fresh, high-quality ingredients shines through in every bite. Their dough is made in-house daily, ensuring a perfect balance of chewiness and tenderness. The fillings are bursting with flavor, thanks to their use of seasonal produce and carefully sourced proteins.

For those seeking vegetarian or vegan options, Brooklyn Dumpling Shop caters to these dietary needs as well. Their vegetable dumplings are equally delicious and satisfying, showcasing the versatility of this culinary staple.

So, this St. Patrick’s Day weekend, ditch the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner and head to Brooklyn Dumpling Shop for a truly unique and delicious experience. With its vibrantly green corned beef and cabbage dumplings, special deals, and a wide variety of other offerings, Brooklyn Dumpling Shop is the perfect destination to celebrate the holiday in style.