Bucks County Restaurant to Temporarily Close To Adopt Two Girls from India

Adopt Sisters However, with a heavy heart, the owners, Ashni “Baba” Kumar and Priya Guru, have decided to temporarily close Guru’s doors. Their attention will now be focused on fulfilling a long-held dream of adopting two young sisters from India.

After three years of intense struggle and dedication, the couple is finally on the verge of realizing their dream. In the coming weeks, they will embark on a journey to India to complete the adoption process. To bid farewell for the time being, Guru’s will be hosting a public celebration on Thursday, January 4 from 6 to 9 p.m. This event will serve as an opportunity for the community to come together and show their support for the Gurus’ new chapter in life.

During this special event, guests will be treated to complimentary cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres. As a gesture of appreciation, the owners kindly request a $20 donation from attendees, with all proceeds going to Guru’s Guardian Angels. This incredible nonprofit organization is dedicated to rescuing and sheltering stray animals worldwide, embodying the Gurus’ commitment to compassion and giving back to those in need.

While the closure of Guru’s Indian Cuisine is certainly bittersweet, the Gurus are eagerly looking forward to their return in the spring of 2024. They plan to re-launch the restaurant and resume serving the Newtown community with their innovative interpretations of traditional Indian dishes from various states. Chef Ashni Kumar Guru, with his extensive experience in the Indian restaurant and catering industry spanning over two decades, aims to bring people together through the power of food. He aspires to create memorable dining experiences that will continue to resonate with guests at Guru’s.

The Gurus sincerely express their gratitude to the Newtown community for their unwavering support throughout the years. They are confident that their temporary departure will only strengthen the bond between them and their loyal patrons. With a renewed spirit, they eagerly anticipate their future reunion, ready to satisfy the palates of their beloved customers once again.